Sunday 18 July 2010

A busy (and hot!) July weekend!

On Saturday, 17 July 2010, there was a Community Fun Day (Facebook event link) in the park/playground around the street from my house.  This was a day-long fundraiser event to help raise money to offset the costs for a neighbour stricken with Multiple Sclerosis to to travel to Mexico at the end of the month for his Liberation Treatment (simply put, this is a balloon angioplasty and considered "experimental" for Canadian MS sufferers and therefore not treated nor covered in Canada).

They started at 2 pm with games for the kids and adults, a Silent Auction (with really fabulous donations!), a raffle prize and of course, a Hot Dog BBQ with pop/water.  The event went through the evening with a street dance.  I missed this part as I had gone to see a special showing of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" at Park Lane in Halifax as part of Pride week. (I found out after coming home from the movie that the day raised $3,000!!  WTG neighbours!  I also won the raffle prize!  I'll add a photo once I receive it).

While this event was going on, my friends Tara and Jane brought their pups for a play date!  They needed their exercise and it was much too hot to go walking.  So here, they had cool grass underfoot, a pool to splash in and a hose to play in/drink from!  Some photos follow...

Enjoying an iced capp while watching the fundraiser get set up and waiting for the girls/dogs to arrive.

Sade the Ninja immediately cools her jets in the pool.

Oscar hanging out in the shade by the fence.

One of Jane's two pups, Molli, littermate to Sade the Ninja.

Scully and Delta looking over at the Fun Day event - do you suppose they're hoping someone will bring them hot dogs?

Brosa and Scully have a little fun with the water hose.  Scully loves the hose but will NOT step into the pool!

Brosa having a little break. :)

Blondie, aka Debbie Hairless, relaxes under the umbrella on the patio.

Delta chills the best way she knows how!

Sweet Old Man Obi, just waiting for me to toss the frisbee for him. :)

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